
The King's Court is a dynamic, nurturing place that echoes the harmony and collaboration of a royal court.

We believe that our microschool is more than just a place for children to learn – it’s a vibrant community where parents play a crucial role. Now you have the opportunity to get involved in our school, share your talents, and make a real impact on our community, all while collecting Crown Treasures for your child’s education.

We are committed to...

The King's Court Focuses On
Core Beliefs #4 and #6

Be a Part of Our King's Court!

We like to think of our school as a “King’s Court” – a place where everyone has a role to play, and every contribution makes our community stronger and richer. By joining our Parent Involvement Program, you’ll have the chance to be an active part of our school, help create amazing experiences for our students, and get some fantastic benefits in return.

When parents get involved, our school becomes a more dynamic and enriching place for everyone. Your participation helps us offer a wider range of activities and programs, enhances the learning experience for all our students, and strengthens the bonds within our community.

Ways You Can Get Involved:

If there is a way you would like to serve in our King’s Court Community that is not on the list below, please let us know. We are always open to new ideas.

Ready to Start Serving in our King's Court Community?
Here's how it works:

Fill out King's Court Volunteer Form

Attend Information Meeting

Start Serving in Our Community

Receive Crown Treasures

Make a Difference For Your Child

When you join our Parent Involvement Program, you’re making a direct impact on your child’s education and the quality of our school. By sharing your talents and time, you’re helping to create a richer, more diverse learning environment that benefits every student.

Your involvement shows your child the importance of community and collaboration. It helps them see that education is a shared journey and that their school is a place where everyone works together to learn and grow.

We’d love to have you join our King’s Court and start making a difference today. Whether you’re ready to dive in or just curious about how you can help, we’re here to answer your questions and get you started.

Interested? Contact us today to learn more and how you can get involved. Let’s work together to create an amazing learning experience for our children and our community!